Almarffa Group

is United Arab Emirates based Logistics Provider specialized in the logistics of maritime and international transport, using the highest modern methods in this field to meet needs of our customers with the highest quality and the least time. We have expanded our shipping lines through our agents and service providers:-

  • Sama Shipping in Sudan
  • Al Marfaa Cargo in Dubai

Together with our representatives in Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad, Eritrea, Turkey, Iraq, China, India, UAE. Our Clients are all major trading companies and factories. We specialize in transporting their goods from East Asia, Europe and America to Dubai and Turkey, through the best logistic solutions provided through our branches.

With our existing infrastructures, owned assets, cutting edge Supply Chain Suite (RF & RFID); we are equipped as one of the largest one-stop logistics service provider with strong ability to serve various industry verticals. Supported by a team of logistics subject matter experts, we strive in providing best-inclass logistics services for our customers, to support their business and assist them in gaining competitive advantages by streamlining their logistics requirements.


We strive to perform with unyielding commitment to Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Creativity and Respect for All.


To be recognized as THE expert in logistic services with top-notch Customer Service.


To design, build and deliver flexible, integrated, best-in-class and cost effective logistics solutions.


The Supply Chain Suite we use is tightly integrated, highly scalable for our customers with easy-to-use supply chain modules encompassing RF/RFID Based Warehousing, Distribution, Container Freight Station, Open Yard, Trading Partner, Customer Relationship Management, Transportation and Freight Management.

With the Suite we are able to integrate all the core logistics, fulfillment center and warehouse management functions to provide real-time visibility of our operations to help both our Team and our Customers to optimize their supply chains and warehouse processes to consistently drive flawless order fulfillment and delivery for total customer satisfaction.



With our existing infrastructures, owned assets, cutting edge Supply Chain Suite (RF & RFID); we are equipped as one of the largest one-stop logistics service provider with strong ability to serve various industry verticals.

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